Abu Bakr and Umar are leaders of old men in Paradise
Abu Bakr and Umar are leaders of old men in Paradise
Mamoon al-Rashid while celebrating the marriage of his daughter to Imam Muhammad b. Ali al-Jawaad (a.s.) organized a function wherein many people were present including Yahya b. Aktham, Mamoon and Imam Jawaad (a.s.) himself. Yahya b. Aktham, a Sunni scholar and a leading jurist of his time, grabbed the opportunity to confront Imam (a.s.) on the subject of Imamat and asked him a series of questions on the topic.
Yahya: It has been reported that Abu Bakr and Umar are leaders of old men in Paradise. What is your view on this tradition?
Imam (a.s.): This tradition is also not reliable because the dwellers of heaven will be young and not old. This tradition was fabricated by the Umayyids in contrast to the authentic tradition of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) wherein he (s.a.w.a.) has declared Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Husain (a.s.) as leaders of the youths of Paradise.
[1] Fazaail al-Sahaabah pg 20, Musnad-e-Ahmad vol 3 pg 3 and vol 5 pg 91, Sunan-e-Abi Maajah vol 1 pg 44, Sunan-e-Tirmizi vol 5 pg 321, Mustadrak vol 3 pg 167 and 381, Sharh-e-Muslim vol 16 pg 41, Majmaa al-Zawaaid pg 9 vol 165,182,201, Tohfah al-Ahwazi vol 10 pg 186, Sunan-e-Kabari vol 5 pg 50, Musnad-e-Abi Yaa’laa vol 2 pg 395, Sahih-e-Ibne Habbaan vol 15 pg 411, Mojam al-Awsat vol 5 pg 243, Mojam al-Kabeer vol 99 pg 292, Sharh-e-Nahjul Balaaghah of Ibne Abil Hadeed vol 16 pg 14, Jaame al-Sagheer vol 1 pg 20, Kanz al-Ummaal vol 7 pg 26, Faiz al-Qadeer vol 3 pg 550, Durr al-Mansoor vol 4 pg 262, Al Kaamil vol 2 pg 220, Elal-e-Daar-e-Qutni vol 3 pg 166, Usd al-Ghaabah vol 1 pg 311, Tahzeeb al-Kamaal vol 26 pg 391, Mizaan al-Etedaal vol 2 pg 250, Lisaan al- Mizaan vol 2 pg 157, Al Isaabah vol 1 pg 624, Al Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah vol 2 pg 61, Manaaqib-e-Khaarazmi vol 2 pg 290, Jawaah al-Mataalib vol 2 pg 199, Yanaab al-Mawaddah vol 2 pg 34, Zakhaair al- Uqba pg 129 etc.
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